Here’s a guest post from our visiting dignitary, Lady Vagina, aka Lady V-Jay Jay:
“Well my lovelies, it’s here again! A fantastic opportunity for you to support the women in our communities who may need a little help, a little, shall we say, attention. Aherm. We’re talking about domestic and sexual violence that has to stop. And WE ARE THE ONES WE HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR!
As the ONE BILLION RISING Oakland group showed us: we can all show up for our communities, women, children, men, and say Enough! No More Violence! and dance, rise, celebrate the growth we have experienced.
For this Vagina Monologues show, being performed on Wednesday, April 10 and Thursday April 11, 2013,at the New Parish in Oakland, CA all proceeds apart from direct production costs will go to Communities United Against Violence.
Please join us in supporting our fundraising on Wed. APRIL 10 & Thurs. APRIL 11, 2013 at the NEW PARISH by attending The Vagina Monologues show in Oakland. Order tickets here.“
Here are our generous sponsors and donors from last year’s show and the silent auction we held.
All the profits from the 2012 event went to Bay Area Women Against Rape:
Get Goes Mobile Cafe
Book Zoo
Ruth M. Freeman
Tech Liminal
Kristen Caven
The Sacred Well
Blisses B
CupKates Bakery
Good Vibrations
Now some photos from the 2012 show. Rumor has it that Lady V-Jay Jay’s handler performed the role of The Flood in that show. But that’s just a rumor.