We are happy to announce that the Emporium’s Etsy shop will now feature organic body and skin care products by Mrs. Greenbalm. These healing oils, salves and tonics are created in Bend Oregon by Martha L. McCook. Our proprietor swears by these gentle products. Please visit our site to find our selection. As Martha believes, “love is the best medicine.”

“Why are you selling tattoo care products on your web site?” I have four pieces of body art. Mrs. Greenbalm’s is the best product I have found to take care of them. Many people in my family have tattoos. Many friends of Malvena Pearl’s Emporium have tattoos. My uncle Louis Ira Robbins had a tattoo parlor in Maine for many decades. His mother was Malvena Pearl and she proudly showed me photos of my uncle at a tattoo competition in the 1980s.
I support small businesses and I met Martha (creator of Mrs. Greenbalms) at the Tattoo Expo in San Francisco, when I got my first tattoo.